Sunday, March 1, 2009

The long & the short of it.

I realised with all the wacky weather of late that the boys are rather lacking in the warm clothing dept. so I recomissioned a pair of trackies that belonged to Mr Ooo after he decided to clear out some old clothes ... I've only been trying ( read : begging ) for him to do so for what ummmmm almost 4yrs now !!!! But hey it worked in the boys favour it seems !

I am not sure how Boof's pair are going to fit as he wouldn't let me try them on him ...

They aren't red nor do they have spiders or webs on them ... Nor does Spiderman wear them or anything like it so I am told ( with a foot stomp to boot ! ).

Surely even Spiderman has trackie days ?!?!?!?!

Anywhos I have a feeling they will be too short as I was caught out when cutting them due to the way I cut G's ... Whoops maybe I can convince him they are 3/4 trackies ... That will work right ?!?!?!

Maybe if I can find someone to alter a picture of Spidey wearing trackies .... 3/4 style no less ....

As for the short, well I have had these sets sitting waiting to be sewn for what oh errrrr .... *cough* 3mths *cough*

Just basic elastic waisted 'shorts' in a puppy dog print ( quilting weight ) with a store bought Tee that I have reverse appliqued in the messy fashion style that I lioke !

Again basic elastic waisted 'shorts' in traffic print ( quilters weight again ) to go with a shirt I scored second hand that is a pretty darned good match even if I do say so myself !

Now no, you aren't going mad & seeing things neither am I for typing 'shorts' in the above descriptions as these too come with a story ... Heck what doesn't in my life !

See being that I cut these out 3mths ago in the hope that they would be sewn fairly quickly I actually thought that by now Master G would have grown & because I had plans to put cuffs to fancy them up a bit I figured " nah he has grown surely so better not ! " ....

Why do I not learn to measure ....

Master G hasn't grown, he is still my little short stuff ! So the 'shorts' are rather long & a rather odd sort of length so I am pondering whether to just leave them & let him wear them through next summer because I now do have to face facts he isn't the giant his brother is.

I mean he isn't tiny but due to his rough start to life he is a lot smaller than he should be & a heck of a lot smaller than his BIG brother ... Let's put it this way G at 18mths is still wearing stuff that Boof wore at 10mths !!!!

Slight difference there.

So I am pondering whether to make them shorter or just leave them ....

Wonder if the Spiderman trick will work with the youngest too ....

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